screenshot-2016-10-28-at-1-02-05-pm All about  me

                                                              Aaliyah 6pm


                                           Hello My name is Aaliyah. I live in the united states.  I am 12 years old; I am hispanic and american .  and  i four  sisters  and one mom and one dad . i will probably not make any sense in this  page  but i could speak two languages  spanish and english  and i am working  one maybe another language. My favorite foods are italian  foods.   My favorite hobbies are swimming  and  volleyball. i also kinda  like  to read  on my free time or go one my phone .

My  favorite colors are, green yellow,  purple  and  blue .my favorite candy is mexican candy  and skittles . what i like doing  when i am  out with my friends  i like going to the movies  and going out to eat . sports i like to play  volleyball , soccer, and baseball. My dis likes  i don’t like scary movies and i don’t like milk  and i  don’t like elevators.  Some  where  i want to travel  i would like to travel  to new york  and paris , hawaii   and canada .